
Would you like to inspire people to become more sustainable by means of The hidden impact? Each year, we organize a course for trainers.

Professionals such as teachers, environmentalists, communication experts or trainers can participate. In this course you will learn to give lectures, workshops and trainings about hidden impact. It is an enrichment of your own portfolio and you can give lectures and workshops under the banner of Think Big Act Now.

Mail us for more info

Two very inspiring days! Learned a lot about the complexity of chain analyses

Participant training programme autumn 2018

Geplande trainingen

“Very good, eventful and sensible story. Babette puts the sense and nonsense about consuming and producing side by side. Some numbers just make you fall off your chair.”

Abdelkader Benali, writer

Wat we nog meer doen

Think Big Act Now draagt ook op andere manieren bij aan effectieve verduurzaming van Nederland. Bekijk hier hoe wij jou nog meer kunnen helpen om ook aan de slag te gaan!